Tested on OpenBSD 6.6-beta

Enable HTTPS with acme-client(1) and Let’s Encrypt on OpenBSD

Configure httpd(8).

To use Let’s Encrypt as a certificate authority for TLS encryption add or update your CAA records for your domain.

    example.com. 300 IN   CAA   0 issue "letsencrypt.org"
www.example.com. 300 IN   CAA   0 issue "letsencrypt.org"

To configure acme-client(1), add these sections to /etc/acme-client.conf:

authority letsencrypt {
  api url "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
  account key "/etc/ssl/private/letsencrypt.key"
domain www.example.com {
  alternative names { example.com }
  domain key "/etc/ssl/private/www.example.com.key"
  domain certificate "/etc/ssl/www.example.com.crt"
  domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/www.example.com.pem"
  sign with letsencrypt

Create directories:

# mkdir -p -m 700 /etc/ssl/private
# mkdir -p -m 755 /var/www/acme

Update /etc/httpd.conf to handle verification requests from Let’s Encrypt. It should look like this:

server "www.example.com" {
  listen on * port 80
  root "/htdocs/www.example.com"
  location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
    root "/acme"
    request strip 2

server "example.com" {
  listen on * port 80
  block return 301 "http://www.example.com$REQUEST_URI"

Check this configuration and restart httpd:

# httpd -n
configuration ok
# rcctl restart httpd

Let’s run acme-client to create new account and domain keys.

# acme-client -v www.example.com
acme-client: /etc/ssl/www.example.com.crt: created
acme-client: /etc/ssl/www.example.com.pem: created

To renew certificates automatically edit the current crontab:

# crontab -e

Append this line:

0 0 * * * acme-client www.example.com && rcctl reload httpd

Save and exit:

crontab: installing new crontab

Enable HTTPS and restart the daemon

Now we have the new certificate and domain key, so we can re-configure httpd to handle HTTPS requests. Add two server sections to /etc/httpd.conf for TLS. The result should look like this:

server "www.example.com" {
  listen on * tls port 443
  root "/htdocs/www.example.com"
  tls {
    certificate "/etc/ssl/www.example.com.pem"
    key "/etc/ssl/private/www.example.com.key"
  location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
    root "/acme"
    request strip 2

server "example.com" {
  listen on * tls port 443
  tls {
    certificate "/etc/ssl/www.example.com.pem"
    key "/etc/ssl/private/www.example.com.key"
  block return 301 "https://www.example.com$REQUEST_URI"

server "www.example.com" {
  listen on * port 80
  root "/htdocs/www.example.com"
  location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
    root "/acme"
    request strip 2

server "example.com" {
  listen on * port 80
  block return 301 "http://www.example.com$REQUEST_URI"

Test this configuration and restart httpd:

# httpd -n
configuration ok
# rcctl restart httpd
httpd (ok)
httpd (ok)

To verify your setup run SSL server test.

Congratulation! Your website and its visitors are now secured.

Add domains

Backup and remove the certificate

# mv /etc/ssl/www.example.com.crt /etc/ssl/www.example.com.crt.bak

Add a new alternative name to /etc/acme-client.conf:

alternative names { example.com new.example.com }

Add a new server section to /etc/httpd.conf. Use the same certificate and key.

server "new.example.com" {
  listen on * tls port 443
  root "/htdocs/new.example.com"
  tls {
    certificate "/etc/ssl/www.example.com.pem"
    key "/etc/ssl/private/www.example.com.key"
  location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
    root "/acme"
    request strip 2

Request a new certificate with the new alternative in it. Verify httpd.conf and restart httpd(8):

# acme-client -vF www.example.com
acme-client: /etc/ssl/www.example.com.crt: created
acme-client: /etc/ssl/www.example.com.pem: created
# httpd -n
configuration ok
# rcctl restart httpd